{Well Being}

“Health is a state of body. Wellness is a state of being”

~ Miles J. Stanford

What is Well Being? What does Well Being consist of? What is Well Being not? Is Well Being worth making your priority?

We will answer the latter question first.

“Is Well Being worth making your priority?” 

We answer this first to satisfy people’s appetite for relevance. Our hope is that this appetite dissipates for you, but for now we shall indulge in order to do our work.

Prioritization of Well Being is the fundamental responsibility of every human being. 

An individual – taking care of Well Being – engages in the ultimate service they can offer themselves and the whole of humanity. 

{When the individual is whole, the whole, in turn, becomes the individual}

Meaning – if the average human being (functioning and able), prioritizes taking care of their individual Well Being – the majority/whole would in turn reflect a collective state of Well Being. The point in which the “whole” begins to reflect Well Being is merely a question of time. The length of time for – prioritization of Well Being – to become the norm behavior of the majority. 

In conclusion, yes it is worth making your priority. Something which fills your own cup while also quenching the thirst of another, objectively, should be a highest priority. 

“What is it?” 

Well Being is a - well - state of being. Painfully simple. The word “well” indicates an ideal condition relative to the range of conditions possible. “State of being” is the quality in which something exists. 

{An ideal condition of existence}

The way an individual chooses to live, dictates the condition in which they experience life. Choice over, way of life, is the only aspect of “life” that any human being possesses complete and direct control of.  

“What does it consist of?”

Well Being consists of aspects of reality that the individual has complete and direct control of. 



  • Of specific parts of reality that you have complete and direct control of. (For you to have total control, it cannot include the compliance or effort of anything or anyone outside yourself.) 


Your mind and body are the only facets of reality that you have complete and direct control of. (Situations where control over mind and body has been impaired due to an affliction will be discussed in later articles) 

Only Two.

There is a third, the human energy body. However, due to very few human beings recognizing an experience of their energy body, we refrain from speaking on it at this time. (Contemporary science has pointed to the existence of an energy body but we will not get into the nuances for it does not serve our work. We encourage you to conduct your own research into the subject matter if you so seek.) 

Given that Well Being consists of two aspects, mind and body, the only way you can affect your state of Well Being is through the faculties of mind and body. Faculties which are under the control of the individual. Meaning that, even in the most dire circumstances the individual may still maintain Well Being - through the relationship they’ve established with their mind and body.

Well Being consists of internal choices. Internal choices that dictate your relationship to, and maintenance of, mind and body.

{Well Being is that which houses the entirety of your experience, the experience you call life}

“What is it not?”

Well Being does not consist of aspects of reality which are determined by external factors. 



  • Of specific parts of reality that are determined by external factors. (For something to be determined by external factors there must be multiple independent sources contributing to its outcome.)


Living conditions (location, compliance of surrounding community) Money / Wealth (systems for people to earn, type of societal governance) Family / Relationships (compliance/willingness of others, socially accepted ideology) 

Every aspect of reality which the individual does not have sole authorship of.

External factors affect the degree to which the individual can affect their outer world, however, those factors do not affect the state of Well Being of the individual.

Often external factors become conflated with Well Being. The most conflated being the individual’s relationship to others, family. No matter how dear you may hold a certain relationship, it requires another’s acceptance of you given their present level of understanding of you. A level of understanding limited by the nature of subjective observation and judgment.

{Well Being is nothing other than you}


The Body - Instrument to Experience


{Noble Mind}